Simon Rosenbaum

Exercise Physiology Ambassador

Simon Rosenbaum

Q: What are your goals for Equally Well? What inspires you about Equally Well?

A: What inspires me about Equally Well is the genuine multidisciplinary approach and vision. Equally Well brings together a broad range of expertise and perspectives all aiming to achieve the same vision.

Q: How do you see Equally Well benefiting carers/consumers/practitioners?

A: Equally Well provides common ground and unites people around a shared vision. This also provides hope and is a source of inspiration for everyone, regardless of background.

Q: What hurdles do you currently see Equally Well facing and will have to face in the future? Is there a particular area you believe needs more focus that EW can develop on?

A: The challenge for Equally Well is transitioning from raising awareness of an issue towards developing innovative and integrated solutions. The vision and sharing of resources, knowledge and experience is the most exciting part of Equally Well and is what will ultimately lead to pragmatic and scalable solutions to addressing inequality.

Q: What have you personally learnt and has this knowledge impacted your life and/or the lives of those around you?

A: Probably the power of collaboration. Nothing is ever achieved in isolation and tackling an issue as big as this needs people from all backgrounds. For me, this is what is inspiring about Equally Well, and seeing people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences working together.

Q: As an Equally Well Ambassador, you are an advocate for improving the physical health of people living with a mental illness, since the symposium, have there been any new developments or research in your field?

A: In August 2019 we launched the Lancet Psychiatry Commission: A blueprint for protecting physical health of people living with mental illness. This was a major step forward – Lancet Commissions are reserved for issues of international significance, so it is great to see physical health on the international agenda. The Commission also highlights the vast evidence base, including multidisciplinary approaches to multimorbidity and provides pragmatic steps we can be taking to improve overall health outcomes.

Q: What do you see is your role for Equally Well as one of our ambassadors?

A: I hope to be able to form a link between my discipline (exercise physiology and physical activity promotion) and the broader Equally Well community by helping to disseminate relevant information. Similarly, I hope to be able to inspire other exercise physiologists to work in the area of mental health and contribute to developing a mental health informed allied health workforce.