Chloe Green

Dr Chloe Green is a Research Associate in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University in Melbourne. She is the key researcher on the NMHC-funded project “Physical Health Experiences of People who have Accessed Mental Health Services and Supports,” a collaboration between Equally Well, Healthtalk and Charles Sturt University. She completed her PhD, which examined the emotions of illness life narratives, at the University of Melbourne in 2020.


Title: What do we mean when we talk about physical health?: Preliminary findings from an Equally Well-Healthtalk collaborative project

Authors: Chloe Green, Chris Maylea, Nicholas Hill, Kate Johnston-Ataata, and Rory Randall

This paper will report back on preliminary results from an Equally Well – Healthtalk collaborative project being conducted by RMIT University and Charles Sturt University, and will discuss how our findings might expand the remit of Equally Well in regards to the range and breadth of physical health challenges faced by our study participants. The “Physical Wellbeing and Mental Health” research project aims to provide narrative, qualitative data to inform the mortality gap facing persons living with mental health concerns. This presentation will ask by what metrics should we be measuring the mortality gap, and how certain experiences fail to register in Equally Well’s current priorities. By elaborating on several case studies, it argues for an expansion of these priorities, and a broader conception of physical health outside the common targets of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Green, Chloe 2021 06 07