Initiatives and Activities Scan

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Psychosocial Physical Health and Wellbeing

The Marathon Health Pilot Project is currently underway in the Murrumbidgee region. It focuses on capacity building for the psychosocial workforce regarding the physical health needs of mental health consumers. The project includes activities such as training the trainers, resource development and co-designing with consumers and carers. The training program is currently being developed as part of this initiative.

Organisation: Marathon Health
More information:
Phone:1300 402 585

Collaborative Care Clinic

This is a Multidisciplinary, Multi-agency, Collaborative Clinic run twice a week at the Corowa office where MH-referred clients and NDIS participants are booked in for regular biopsychosocial assessments, reviews of health plans – including NDIS health-related goals, life coaching, and medication reviews if required. This Clinic includes – Exercise Physiology, Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, Clinical Nurse Educator, Registered Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Health/Life Coach, Social Worker, and Disability Support Services Manager. All clients are enrolled in the ACI HOPE Platform on entry to the clinic and clients and participants are rotated through specialisations depending on their needs. Comprehensive and integrated health and well-being plans are developed with the individual and these are communicated with the individual’s GP, NDIS Support Coordinator, or another provider of the individual’s choice.

Organisation: Amaranth Foundation
More information:
Phone: (02) 6033 1738

Implementation of the NSW Health Physical Health Care for People Living with Mental Health Issues Guideline

1. Development of an implementation working group and implementation plan.
2. Completion of a current state assessment and gap analysis of District/Networks against the newly published Physical Health Care for People Living with Mental Health Issues Guideline. Findings and recommendations from this report shaped the development of the implementation work plan
3. Creation of new Physical Health and Mental Health Resource Webpage
4. Delivery of Physical Health and Mental Health Forum 2022 in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Innovation. The forum showcased local improvement activities, key note speakers (including Equally Well) and discussed challenges/solutions to implementation
5. Announcement of Physical Health Project Grants Program 2022 at the Physical Health Forum. The grants program will provides funding to three Districts and Networks to deliver local projects to support physical health of people living with mental health issues.
6. Supporting NSW Health wide inititiatives to improve physical health of people living with mental illness.

Organisation: Ministry of Health
More information:
Phone: 1800 011 511

GP Program

To enhance the provision of holistic care to young people accessing headspace centres, especially those without a community GP, additional support is provided to GP services within the centres.

Organisation: Headspace National, Youth Mental Health Foundation
More information:
Phone: (03) 9027 0100

Vitality Passport in Residential Aged Care Facilities

Vitality Passport in Residential Aged Care Facilities is aimed at reducing or halting the progression of frailty and improving the mental health and resilience of the frail elderly in residential care.

Organisation: Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 02 6923 3104

Homelessness Health Programs

The Homeless Health Service offers comprehensive after-hours primary care, including face-to-face clinics, telehealth clinics, consultations, mobile outreach, health coaching, care navigation, and case management. These services are designed to complement existing healthcare services and ensure access to essential care for individuals experiencing homelessness.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone:1300 986 991

Commissioned Services – hEIT & CASPAR

The hEIT (headspace Early Intervention Team) and CASPAR (Comprehensive Assessment Service for Psychosis and At Risk) are specialized services dedicated to supporting young individuals with or at risk of severe mental illness. These programs provide comprehensive care packages that prioritize holistic support, including addressing physical health needs.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone:1300 986 991

Commissioned Service – TEAM

Free 8-week online healthy lifestyle program and health coaching for adolescents aged 13 – 17. The program is run online across eight weeks and is free for teens in the CESPHN region. The program teaches adolescents about healthy eating, physical activity, and behaviour change through fun and interactive modules and activities. Participants also receive weekly health coaching calls with a qualified health professional. Adolescents in the CESPHN region are eligible if they meet one or more of the following criteria;
– They are above a healthy weight, or
– Have been diagnosed with a chronic health condition, or
– They are deemed to be at increased risk of diet and lifestyle related diseases (assessed via a screening questionnaire)

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone:1300 986 991

SANE Guided Service

A guided program of psychosocial support has been implemented in selected Primary Health Network (PHN) regions, targeting individuals aged 18 and above with complex mental health issues. This program, funded as a Commonwealth pilot, incorporates various support groups that address both mental health and physical health topics.

Organisation: SANE
More information:
Phone:+61 3 9682 5933

PhysiCards and PhysiCards online

The Interactive Person-Led Tool is a user-friendly resource designed to empower individuals to regularly review their health, detect any changes, and identify potential health risks. This tool encourages active participation and self-awareness in managing one’s own well-being.

Organisation: Flourish Australia
More information:
Phone:1300 779 270
Email: hello@flourishaustralia

Member engagement

Strategically encouraging PACFA members to support individuals to prioritise their physical health alongside their mental health in therapy sessions.

Organisation: Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)
More information:
Phone:03 9046 2270

Peak Speaks – Self-Care for Carers

MHCN spoke with Lars Weber about his program ‘Better Life for Carers’, and the benefits of self-care, and included a section on physical health. 126 Please find the following published video on YouTube

Organisation: Mental Health Carers NSW
More information:
Phone:1300 554 660

OzHelp Industry and Community Suicide Prevention and Social Capacity Building

As part of the ACT Health Directorates (ACTHD) commissioning of mental health services provided by community-based Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), ACTHD provides funding to OzHelp for the delivery of programs to improve both mental health and well-being among workers and apprentices in industries with typically low health awareness or help-seeking behaviours.
As part of these programs, Tradies Tune Up and Workplace Tune Up, OzHelp provides health screening sessions and education and promotion for maintaining healthy eating habits, appropriate physical activity, and guidelines on alcohol consumption.

Organisation: ACT Health Directorate
More information:
Phone: (02) 6249 6717

We do not provide services but support Equally Well in Advocacy for Mental Health and wellbeing

We are committed to social justice through advocacy and enhancing community service provision, prioritizing equitable access and support for all.

Organisation: Uniting Care Australia
More information:
Phone: (02) 6249 6717

Aboriginal Health – Deadly Choices Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)

The Deadly Choices Program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals in making healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and their families. This initiative promotes smoking cessation, healthy eating, and daily exercise. Additionally, Deadly Choices encourages community members to engage with their local GP and undergo an annual comprehensive Health Check (715 health checks).

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

While You Wait – GP Resource Suite

The While You Wait GP Resource Pack was collaboratively developed by a team of GPs, lived experience representatives, and researcher Kath Thorburn. This initiative was funded by the Mental Health Commission’s Health Literacy Initiative. These resources aim to assist GPs and their clients in proactively managing well-being while awaiting mental health services. The PHN has effectively distributed these materials through targeted marketing channels tailored to GPs. For more information and access to the resources, please visit:

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

Commissioned Service – Shared Care

The Shared Care program, in collaboration with SESLHD, SLHD, and SVHN, aims to support the physical health needs of individuals with severe mental illness who are receiving community mental health services or transitioning from secondary to primary care.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

Commissioned Service – PICS

The Primary Integrated Care Support Program offers clinical care, coordination, and psychosocial support to individuals experiencing severe mental illness through the expertise of mental health nurses and the peer workforce.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

Physical Health Conversation Guide

In 2022, CESPHN actively promoted the Physical Health Conversation Guide ( through our social media platforms and newsletters. Additionally, we provided support to researcher Kath Thorburn in her ongoing research efforts. These initiatives reflect our commitment to advancing physical health conversations and fostering valuable insights in the field.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

Health Promotion – 715 Health Checks

Local GPs actively promote the MBS 715 Health Check, a comprehensive health assessment designed to tailor primary healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals. This initiative aims to facilitate early detection, diagnosis, and intervention for common and treatable conditions, ensuring culturally appropriate care.

Organisation: Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: 1300 986 991

Market Sounding for Primary Mental Health Care, Alcohol and Other Drugs Services, Psychosocial Support Services and Community Led Integrated Models of Care

This program, located in Gippsland, focused on codesigning services to better support individuals with mental health illness, and alcohol and drug misuse. To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach, we are conducting interviews, workshops, and surveys involving individuals who have lived and are currently experiencing these challenges firsthand.

Organisation: Gippsland Primary Health Network
More information:
Phone: (03) 5175 5444

Walking With Me

This program included a Walking Group to address physical health and mental well-being.

Organisation: Wesley Mission Queensland
More information:
Phone: 1300 242 076

Wellbeing Camp

This program introduced a comprehensive program tailored for young individuals, integrating a two-hour group run in a public park with physical training and mental health well-being activities.

Organisation: Wesley Mission Queensland
More information:
Phone: 1300 242 076

Physical Health Cards

Self-management resources designed to support people to detect risk early and encourage people to respond to concerns by accessing information or relevant primary health service providers. Physical Health Cards are offered to the client by support worker. Recently reviewed and updated: change of language and added health risk cards to detect risk early e.g: questions around active cardiovascular assessment , LGBTI+ card added, diet & nutrition, memory and concentration, cervical screening (was pap smear). Packs will be created which will be available for sale to other organisations and instructional videos as a training tool for the PH cards have been created as an additional tool for support workers using the cards. They have the online platform for support workers and clients (internal only), called physicards online. The client can select a card, read through common questions a GP would ask and if they want further information they can select from the links provided to other organisations eg: Australia Government health factsheets, Kidney Health, Sleep Health Foundation. They can also choose to call Health Direct or other health services; this is all on the card.
Organisation: Flourish Australia
More information:
Phone: 1300 779 270

Regional Integrated Mental Health, Alcohol and Other

The Regional Integrated Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs and Suicide Prevention Plan for eastern and north eastern Melbourne contains 10 agreed areas of focus and more than 90 actions to ensure that services in our region work together to better meet the health needs of the community. Implementing the regional plan will involve collaboration between a range of regional stakeholders, including consumers and carers, primary and acute (hospital) areas of the service system, community health, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Each focus area of the plan is to be implemented in a way that empowers consumers and carers to drive change.

Focus Area 4 of the Regional Plan is about improving physical health outcomes for people with severe mental illness, including:

• Develop and implement a consistent strategy to better identify physical health conditions, at an earlier stage, for people with severe mental illness

• Improve and facilitate access to chronic disease programs, immunisations, cancer screening and smoking cessation support, for people with severe illness

• Facilitate increased access to public dental services

• Support and educate practice nurses to better manage the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness

Organisation: Eastern Melbourne PHN
More information:
Phone: (03) 9046 0300

Preventative Health Initiative

EMPHN’s Preventative Health initiative for mental health consumers will address five areas: breast cancer screening, bowel cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, influenza immunisation, and smoking cessation. The Preventative Health Initiative will support mental health consumers to build personal capacity and confidence in addressing their physical health needs. The program will also strengthen the mental health and primary health sectors’ ability to provide whole-of-person care and undertake care coordination to ensure services work together on behalf of consumers.

Organisation: Eastern Melbourne PHN
More information:
Phone: (03) 9046 0300