Sacha Miezis

Sacha Miezis
Neami National

Commencing a human services career in 1992 as a child protection worker, Sacha has a Masters Degree in Human Services Management, Policy & Research. He has held senior leadership and project roles across a range of settings including: family violence, out of home care, community development, allied health, general practice, quality improvement, social work and counselling, community health, refugee health and mental health.

In 2014, Sacha began working with Neami National as a regional manager responsible for newly commissioned Mental Health Community Support (MHCS) services in Western Victoria. In 2016, he moved to a senior leadership role with the Neami communications and marketing team before commencing a 1-year maternity leave acting role as General Manager of Corporate Services. In November 2018, Sacha was appointed to the position of Chief Operating Officer at Neami National.