Becoming an Equally Well Country: Working collaboratively to reduce health inequality
University of Technology Sydney
Building 11
81 Broadway Street, Ultimo NSW 2007
25-27 July 2023
Experts from Australia and internationally are being invited to share innovative practice and developments aimed to improve the physical health and wellbeing of people living with mental illness.
The event will showcase the impact being made across the Equally Well movement as we work collaboratively to achieve the goals of the Equally Well National Consensus Statement and include a special celebration of the milestones achieved in the first 5 years of the project.
With the generous support of our sponsors, this three-day event is free for all attendees. This sponsorship also provides support for consumers and carers to attend the event. These bursaries cover travel, accommodation and other expenses.
The themes covered in the program will include presentations from research, policy development and practice across topics such as:
- Peer workforce
- Young people
- Smoking
- Lifestyle
- Substance use
- Older people
- Training and development
- Carers
- Improving access
- Human rights
- Informed consent and informed consumers
- Comprehensive care
- Shared Care coordination
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
- Services and systems
- Translating research into practice
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Engagement and connection
- Chronic disease
- Lived Experience
- Peer navigators
- Medication
Abstracts will be streamed into the following categories in the symposium program;
- Social and clinical prevention
- Working in partnerships
- Converting policy into practice
- Consumer and carer partnerships
- Practical project reports
- Integrated care
- First Nations social and emotional wellbeing
27 February 2023
10 March 2023
17 April 2023
28 April 2023
05 May 2023
16 June 2023
17 July 2023
28 August 2023
23 October 2023
23 October 2023
Call for Abstracts open
Equally Well Acknowledgement Awards nominations open
Abstract submissions close
Equally Well Acknowledgement Awards nominations close
Notification of abstract status
All presenting authors to register for the symposium
Upload/submit PowerPoint presentations
Submit 1st draft written paper for symposium proceedings
Submit final written paper for symposium proceedings
Submit revised abstract
Equally Well acknowledges that the area of lived experience engagement and mental health includes many diverse terms and phrases that refer to people, roles and processes across different settings, contexts, and jurisdictions. The intention of our communication and use of terminology is for inclusive language that reduces stigma and discrimination, reflects the diversity of our community and is appropriate for the context in which it is applied.