Medicine and Mental Illness – resources to share
We want to share some resources and information currently available about this space:
Podcasts & Videos
Healthtalk Australia – Medication: Effectiveness and side effects
A look at different types of common psychiatric medication, alongside interviews with people speaking about their experiences of taking them – particularly about efficacy and unwanted side effects.
ABC Radio National, All In The Mind – Open Dialogue
Almost 30 years ago a group of clinicians in Finland decided to treat psychosis differently. Their approach, known as Open Dialogue, has impressive recovery rates—and now Australians are taking an interest.
ABC Radio National, All In The Mind – Depression and your sense of self
If you’ve ever been depressed you may have wondered – is this the real me? And if anti-depressants work for you, do they get you back in touch with who you really are, or make you feel more inauthentic? The findings from a University of Cambridge study suggest that how authentic you feel when being treated for depression may be relevant to your recovery, and should be discussed with your doctor.
Mental Health Commission of NSW – Medication and mental illness
A short 7-minute film for healthcare providers about the importance of the quality use of medicines for mental illness.
Fact Sheets & Websites
SANE Australia – Antidepressant medication
The best treatment for depression may include psychological treatment, medication, and support in the community. While some people may only need psychological, ‘talking’ treatment, this Factsheet answers commonly asked questions about antidepressant medication.
Reach Out – Medication
Information to help you if;
- you’d like to know more about medication and how it can improve your mental health
- you’re thinking of taking mental health medication
- you’re in therapy and wondering if medication might help.
BetterHealth, Victoria Government – Managing mental health medications
BetterHealth provide information on many areas of mental health medication, you or someone you care for may have.
RANZCP, Your health in Mind – Medication for mental illness
There are many types of medication to help manage each condition. This fact sheet explains them, their effects and how to get the right medication for you.
Mental Health Commission of NSW – Medication and mental illness, Perspectives
This paper tells the story of medication as a treatment for mental illness from the perspective of consumers, carers, families and people who work within the mental health system.