Optimistic, energetic, accessible- check out our new EW logo and website
Noticed anything different about us? The new Equally Well logo attempts to visually convey a sense of positivity and optimism that aligns with Equally Well’s overall objective – improving the physical health of people living with mental illness.
The new logo represents an uplifting, positive and aspirational symbol for health change. It symbolises empowerment through health, using the visual metaphor of jumping and movement to demonstrate change through action.
Similarly, the new-look Equally Well website has been designed with the user experience in mind. Featuring a clean design with lots of white space, it aims to be a widely accessible resource for our supporting organisations as well as consumers. It features an ever-expanding resource repository (reports, fact sheets, guidelines) to enable information to be easily found and used.
The website is in its infancy so we really encourage everyone to contribute to the resource repository by contacting the EW team to have your resources added or completing the scan of activities and initiatives.