National Initiatives and Activities Scan

Improving the lives of people living with mental ill-health

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Share your efforts and successes with us - big or small, we want to hear about it

The Tasmanian Department of Health and Primary Health Tasmania are partnering with Equally Well to undertake an Initiatives and Activities Scan of all the work being done in Tasmania to improve the physical health of people with a lived experience of mental health issues. The scan is a short online survey that will paint a collective picture of what is currently happening in the state and help to guide and inform future priority areas.

How do I participate?

Your voice really matters

We want to continue to hear about the work you are doing, have done or are planning to do, big or small, to improve the physical healthcare of people living with mental illness.

If you would like to discuss the scan, please reach out to Equally Well via email or one of our local contacts:

 Al Brown

Policy and Project Officer

Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Directorate 
Kaitlyn Graham

Primary Health Consultant

Sector Improvement and Innovation 

How will the information from the scan be used?

The Department of Health and Primary Health Tasmania will use the scan to:

⦁ Identify needs and gaps in Tasmania for improving the physical health of people with mental health issues

⦁ Recommend priorities for expanding existing initiatives and/or initiating new work in Tasmania for improving the physical health of
people with mental health issues

Equally Well intends housing a summary of the initiatives and activities being undertaken from organisations across Australia, on the Equally Well website to share as a resource. High-level information will also be included in Equally Well’s report to the Australian Government and provided to other stakeholders interested in the impact of the work being undertaken. There will also be an opportunity to identify work to promote the work of our Tasmanian projects, at future Equally Well and other symposiums and conferences.

Learn more about Equally Well

Equally Well aims to improve health and reduce the life expectancy gap between people with a lived experience of mental health issues and the general population. Initiatives under Equally Well work to promote and improve equity of access to physical health care and support increased coordination and collaboration between organisations. Initiatives may be focussed on a range of areas, including but not limited to:

⦁ Physical health screening and treatment

⦁ Medication and side effects

⦁ Physical activity

⦁ Social and community engagement

⦁ Advocacy

⦁ Systemic and cultural change

Useful links and resources

National resources

Local resources


Equally Well Australia and the local project teams are not service providers, nor can we provide direct referrals to particular organisations. If you have found this content distressing or need to reach out, support is available.

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No information provided will be shared, released, or promoted without your organisation’s consent and authorisation. Equally Well will also adhere to any intellectual property rights protections in place.